
My Unpleasant Experience

      In our lives,we will come across different kinds of people,and experience something which makes us smile,angry or cry.I can’t forget that something happened to my sister with her friends.

      It was two years ago that I went home after school to have a delicious lunch as usual.But I found my sister,Shirley,went home late.At the beginning,I supposed that it was her teachers who had passed on too much knowledge to them,so she came home late. I asked her to wash her hands then take the lunch. In peacetime, she would share something happened in the school and told us something interesting. To my astoundment, she kept silent and looked upset. Instead showing the details of her morning., she just lowered her head and eating quietly with tears rolling in her eyes. I questioned her whether there was unhappy thing about her. She just shook her head frequently and said in a frightening and trembling vein,No, no, no, nothing had happened.” Even though she had pretended nothing had happened, I could judge that there was something wrong with her from her crying and upset face. I was so worried about her that I insisted asking her. Under my perseverance, she cried loudly and said that she was threatened by her friends who were always late for school and phoned Shirley in the sleeping time. Her friends made me feel terrible. After knowing that, I was too angry to control myself, for which I couldn’t bear others who made a fool of me and played tricks on my family menbers. I called those girls’ parents and told what their girls did. Although this matter was resolved soon, the unpleasant and depreessed experience sticks to my mind.

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